Jul 27, 2015
Kaufman has designed
over $1B of hotels in New York City. In 2011, his firm Gene
Kaufman Architect joined forces with the esteemed Modernist
architecture firm Gwathmey Siegel; the result is Gwathmey Siegel
Kaufman & Associates Architects. Gene talks about his attempt
to save a building you can’t check into for the night, the Goshen
government complex designed by Paul Rudolph.
Joe King is an architect and contractor practicing in Bradenton FL. With Christopher Domin, he is co-author of the book Rudolph: The Florida Houses. He has owned several Rudolph houses and is re-creating Rudolph's famous Walker Guest House for a national tour.
Noah Goldstein, the ark-itect! Why you don't want to see Joe King coming down the driveway with a crowbar! And those damned hotel air conditioners that blow the curtains up!